No solo me siento orgulloso de haberlo podido terminar sino de estimular en su proceso a otras personas a realizar este gran reto, muchas gracias.
Les dejo las fotos finales y también les agradezco a todos los que me siguieron en su evolución paso a paso y espero que disfruten de este Terminator T-800 escala real construido en cartón.
Los espero en mis próximos proyectos......
Finally finish this great project after 2 years to have begun it and someone pauses of for way to design and to arm other models.
Not only I feel proud to be able to have finished it but to stimulate in his process other persons to realizing this great challenge, thank you very much.
I leave the final photos them and also I am grateful to them for all those who followed me in his evolution stepwise and hope that all enjoy this Terminator T-800 lifesize scale constructed in cardboard.
I wait for you in my nexts projects.......