Wall-E Papercraft 2014

Wall-E Papercraft 2014

Papercraft Optimus Prime Transformers 4, Evasion Mode

Papercraft Optimus Prime Transformers 4, Evasion Mode
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Papercraft Optimus Prime Battle Damaged

Scrat Papercraft (Ice Age)

sábado, 11 de julio de 2009

Piernas (Tibia) / Legs (Shin)

Esta pieza es de cartón de 1mm y le agregue detalles de relieves y ranuras para darle mas detalles a los dibujos del original. Aquí solo muestro, por ahora, la pieza básica ya que mas adelante la reforzare con un tubo de aluminio de 1 pulgada que ira desde el pie hasta la base de la rodilla. Este tubo será la guía para unas varillas que estarán en la base del modelo y así podrá mantenerse parado.

This piece is of cardboard of 1mm and I add details of reliefs and groove to give it more details to the drawings of the original. Here only show, for now, the basic piece for forward reinforced it with a tube of aluminium of 1 inch that will be from the foot until the base of the knee. This tube will be the guide for some wands that will be in the base of the model and like this will be able to maintain stand.

1 comentario:

Ghostsoldier dijo...

Those are the coolest things I've seen in a while!